Sunday, April 15, 2007

New Blog Features

You may or may not have noticed that I have made some changes to my blog over the past few days, including making the photos section easier to navigate to, as well as adding a 'featured video', which plays at the top of the main page after clicking the link. I'll change this fairly regularly, or when I get bored with whith the current selection. Currently showing Linkin Park - What I've Done (not the best track they have written, however not bad either).
Usually around now I post an update on how the day's dragon boat practice session has gone, however as I have written on this quite a lot recently I will spare you the full vesrion of the events. I will highlight though that the Police have now split from our training session as the HKADBA are a bit too extreme for their liking. Today's paddling included the advance technique of switching up on to one knee at full speed (which takes some doing - trust me), and finished off with some 'speed' trials, the last of which saw us hitting 97 strokes in 1 minute from a standing start. To put that into perspective, that is hitting 2 strokes a second as you speed up. Try sitting in your chair and paddling through the air at 2 a second, never mind through water, and see how hard it is (although I suggest chosing a moment when no one is likely to see what you are doing). The morning ended with us being advised by our drill seargant that as from next week the training will start to become hard (!), focusing on anaerobic exercise. No alcohol is allowed from now on (you would spill it otherwise), and you must advise the leader if you are taking any medicines or if you are feeling under the weather as apparently this increases your chances of collapsing during the session (read previous post 'A Whole World of Pain' - no wonder nobody paid too much attention at the time!).

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