Sunday, February 17, 2008

Big White Trip

We have been back in Hong Kong a week now from our ski trip to Canada. Got through the jetlag (thanks to Melatonin) and all is pretty much back to normal. Big White (or perhaps Big White-out would be a more appropriate name) had its fair share of snow whilst we were there, with conditions generally ranging heavy to blizzard! This made for some interesting skiing conditions at times, which caused even me to take a tumble on a couple of occassions - and Dickie on several. Darling's skiing has come on well (which must be down to my excellent instruction), the only downside being that it was getting increasingly difficult to convince her that she needed to go to ski school (in order that I could get some free skiing in each day for a couple of hours!). It was great to have Dickie, Ali and Joe join us this year, particularly when I needed help at 5:30am in getting our car up the drive so that Darling and I could make it to the airport on time. Still, at least it means that they were up nice and early for the 9:30am shuttle bus. Posted above are an assortment of pics from the trip. As the weather was not great (for photos) I did not end up taking many, however will post some more later on in the photos section.

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