Thursday, May 3, 2007

A Good Cause

I am not one for going on about charities, saving the world, and what we should all be doing to make the world a better place - there are enough pop stars and actors (but sadly not enough politicians) doing that without me going on about it here. However in this instance I will make an exception and post once (and only once) on the matter.

Without going into dull long winded narratives on how this all came about I now sponsor three children from Thailand, Cambodia and the Phillipines through Worldvision, as well as contirbuting to Oxfam's ongoing development projects in China. Their websites can be visited via links from my blog, as well as the site for the One Campaign. If you have time, check out the sites and see what they are up to.

If you are able to contribute, even better.


Anonymous said...

have u ever meet ur sponsored kids?

summer_wizard said...

wow...u good guy huh? :-P
have u met the three kids before?(as asked by erna)
btw, hi erna...

Hoj said...

No I have not met them yet as it is still early days, only just started sponsoring them. Worldvision do encourage sponsors to make visits, however I will write first and see how things go.